Art Studio Views Exhibit Aug. 15 - Sept. 12

Featured artists
Visit the gallery Friday, Saturday 11-5pm, Sunday 11-4pm
43 E Market St. Suite 2 Rhinebeck NY 12572
opening reception
Saturday August 21, 5-7pm Rhinebeck Courtyard
Please join us for the opening reception of the Art Studio Views exhibit at Betsy Jacaruso Gallery in Rhinebeck, which features artwork from each of the artists participating in the tour.
Art studio views is a free self-guided tour through the studios of artists living in Germantown, Tivoli, Red Hook, Rhinebeck, and Hyde Park. Read more…
Music by Delta Blues & Beyond in the Courtyard
Please bring your mask to visit the gallery during the reception.
43-2 East Market St., Rhinebeck NY, 12572
Google Maps
The ASV exhibit is on view Aug. 15 - Sept. 12, 2021.
Artwork available for purchase in gallery and online.
Gallery Hours: Fri. 11-5pm, Sat. 2:30-5pm, Sun. 11-4pm
or by appointment