New Pre-Recorded Videos Watercolor on the Cape
/A little vacation...
We will return with our regularly scheduled Live demos Saturday, August 5th and Watercolor in the Courtyard on Tuesdays in September, but in the meantime, we put together some special pre-recorded demos for you to paint from while we are away.
Click the link to get the videos ↓
Watercolor at the Cape: Week 1 Video
Watercolor at the Cape: Week 2 Video
I hope you will enjoy these relaxing beach scenes.
***Please note: these are set on the schedule arbitrarily on Wednesdays, but because it is pre-recorded you will receive the link to the video immediately when you sign-up, therefore you can watch/paint anytime during the week. This will not expire.***
You should sign-up before Wednesday at 1pm to receive it, but if you miss the sign-up window just email me and I will send it to you another way.
You will not need Zoom or any other application to watch, just the internet.
Painting from Video 1
Painting from Video 2